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How Does 360 Feedback For Leadership Development Benefit Professionally?

How Does 360 Feedback For Leadership Development Benefit Professionally?

Date : Mar 28, 2023

Organizations are gradually coping with the new POV of management and leadership. More organizations are shifting from the conventional process of one-to-one feedback. Nowadays, the multi-rater feedback approach has become extensively popular for more than one benefit. Read on and understand the perks of 360 Feedback For Leadership Development.

Self-awareness of leadership qualities

Receiving feedback and incorporating them into the process necessitates a comprehensive understanding. It starts with self-awareness. The feedback with a multi-rate approach helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses in the leadership attributes. It is a practical benefit and makes a significant difference.

More scopes for skill development

Skill development is a continual process. One can not avoid the benefits of skill development through the multi-rating feedback process. It helps in the identification of the areas that necessitate improvement. The various feedback sources push the employees to upgrade their professional scopes. In the long run, it aids the organization to retain the employee base.

Enhanced relationships in the workplace

In conventional one-to-one feedback, the one who receives the feedback from the superior executive gets no chance to speak their perspective. The lack of connection and mutual communication limits the scope of the process. With 360 feedback, the mutual review process improves the professional relationship.

Ensure better team building

An effective team established with the mutual rating process helps every team member to recognize each other’s strengths and weaknesses. The work happens smoothly and collectively, enhancing the productivity of the organization to the next level.