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This is why you need organizational design training now

This is why you need organizational design training now

Date : Sep 17, 2020

Why you need organizational design training

With time, a company just doesn’t grow, but also starts facing newer, more complex challenges. So, old structures and procedures don’t work as well as before and lead to inefficiency, low profits, poor customer service, employee disengagement and a lackluster work culture. Some other problems include:

  • Sudden breakdowns in the workflow and steps that add no value
  • Employees exhibiting a lack of ownership
  • Blame game instead of efforts to resolve issues
  • Inadequate knowledge and poor focus on customer satisfaction
  • Decisions are reached after unnecessary delays
  • Employees and senior managers lack mutual trust
  • The workforce lacks the authority or knowhow to handle problems

How organizational design courses help you

By undergoing organizational design training, you can carry out the following steps with ease:

  • Deciding why and how you want to begin the design process – First, senior leaders will examine the business outcomes at present, and see how the organization is doing and why it needs a change. Then, you can list down the scope of the design process, how you wish to allocate resources, what are the timelines, how you intend to manage communications, who will participate in the process and what outcomes you desire.
  • Taking a close look at your business’s present state – Organizational design courses will help you assess your company the right way, identify its strengths and pitfalls, how it works, and how far is it aligned with your strategies and objectives. Once the leaders achieve this clarity, they will be able to brainstorm about improvements.
  • Developing design recommendations for an ideal organization – Next, senior managers or leaders can chart out the exact steps for organizational design. These might include:
    • Defining organizational principles and what they will be based on – like technologies, processes, types of customers or locations.
    • Standardizing all processes and documenting the same.
    • Allocating and organizing employees around the most important procedures and deciding on the number needed.
    • Defining the skills and tasks of each team and zeroing in on performance metrics that are SMART or specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Also, leaders will be able to define accountability.
    • Figuring out necessary resources related to sales, finance and HR and determining their locations.
    • Identifying the equipment and facilities required by different departments and teams.
    • Bettering the systems associated with development and coordination, like goal-setting, recruiting, training, and compensation.
    • Streamlining the business processes that are directly connected to deliverables and revenue.
  • Putting the design into action – Finally, organizational development courses can help you implement the design, organize, train and upgrade the skills of your workforce and establish new, productive relationships. By taking these courses, you will learn how to rearrange facilities and equipment, make information sharing more seamless, make the reward system smarter and improve the decision-making process.


You can take a fresh look at the leadership structure, manage conflicts better and ensure diversity, reduce unnecessary work and prepare your employees emotionally for the change. If the trial of the new design works satisfactorily, you can adopt it for the years to come.

To conclude

It is easy to see that organizational design training has plenty of benefits to offer, especially if your company is falling short of its goals, not as efficient as before, if the processes are running haywire, or if you feel that the work culture is not conducive to your growth and brand image. So, contact an expert today and give your organization the makeover it needs to be competitive, customer-centric, productive and successful.